About us
Our Story
The time before Serbian prunes you know now.
Bronze Age
Prunes pits (from sloe) found in excavations in stilt houses
(No, the guy on the photo is not spitting the prunes pits. This is actually a figure of foremother from Serbian Bronze Age)

17th Century
First written data about Serbian Prunes from Evliya Çelebi travelogue

18th Century
Fast-spreading of orchards due to a prohibition of alcohols consumption by Ottoman Empire
19th Century
Serbian prunes golden age
Massive use of household smokehouses
Average export of 26000t in Europe and the USA
- Yes we exported that much!
Serbian prunes golden age
Export of 41.296 t (value of 64000 ducats)
– Yes we exported even more!
20th Century
First written data about Serbian Prunes from Evliya Çelebi travelogue
We had very good engineers to make it
(Glavinic, Halvekin and Stojkovic)
1923 - Serbian prunes export of 66.390 t
– Yes that was really a lot!
1929 - Sad time. Our prune variety affected by Plum Pox virus. Our prune was so important to us that we even put it on the post stamp.
1956 - Introduction of Stanley variety (tolerant to Plum Pox virus)
– Picture from 1966
1958 - Beginning of the first industrial production by the domestic construction of tunnel type driers.
Pitted Prunes
Decrease of export

Our Time
4 Prunes Producers and friends sat together and decided to join forces. They established our association.

2010 / 2011
We decided to check if people still like our prunes. We invited 10 largest buyers from Russia to visit us

2012 / 2013
They liked our prunes. Our export of prunes doubled

2014 / 2015
We became a member of the International Prunes Association

2016 / 2017
We decided to expand to Europe.
We went to Germany and met with 10 German buyers.

2018 / 2019
We became a part of the International Nuts and Dried Fruit Council.
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